Hungarian man forced to work as a slave in England died!

András Varga, a Hungarian pensioner and auxiliary worker, moved to the United Kingdom in the hope of a better life. James McCann, a father of 15 children, offered him work and shelter after Varga was on the edge of becoming homeless. However, in return, McCann forced the elderly to do difficult menial jobs and made him live in a tiny shed without a toilet or running water. A council officer warned local police about the conditions, and the officers rescued Mr Varga.

According to Daily Mail, András Varga went to the United Kingdom in 2007 though he spoke very little English. There he worked in various places in the south but ended up living on the streets. On the edge of homelessness, someone called Mike came to help him. He made him do odd jobs for £30 to £40 a day.

Then passed Mr Varga to McCann, who brought the Hungarian man in 2017 to live on his land in Blythe, Northeast England.

There he placed in a tent next to McCann’s caravan at Blythe beach. Mr Varga slept on a camp bed with a dirty sleeping bag. You can check out where András Varga lived in England in the article of Daily Mail.

Later, the practically enslaved Hungarian man could move to a metal shed. However, he had no toilet, running water, bathing, washing option or heating.

The 68-year-old McCann forced Mr Varga to do physically demanding menial jobs.

For example, the Hungarians had to pressure washing drives or do gardening. However, he paid only £10 for him a day.

Since he could not enter the house of McCann’s family, he regularly used the toilet of nearby supermarkets and sometimes had to wash in the sea. Even when McCann was not in the caravan, Mr Varga was not allowed access to it to sleep or wash – Daily Mail reported.

A council officer warned the police about the inhuman conditions Mr Varga was forced to live in England. Finally, the police rescued him in a dirty and dishevelled state.

Daily Mail reported that Mr Varga’s captor, McCann, was brought up in a travelling community and never learnt to read or write. Now he lives in Scotland but was sentenced to jail by Newcastle Crown Court for modern slavery. Prosecutor Vince Ward said, “he has exploited Mr Varga for cheap labour.” Interestingly,

Varga said it was better to work for McCann than live on the streets.

McCann said during his trial that Varga preferred to stay in the shed than in the house.

He will stay in prison for 2 years and 9 months. He broke during his court trial and wanted to ask forgiveness from Mr Varga. However, he died after he returned to Hungary. Reportedly, his death was not related to the conditions he had to live in for years.


Ignátz Collage
Read alsoA Hungarian man deceived half the globe – what did he do?

Source: Daily Mail, Blikk

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